1. Good evening everyone, and happy Pi Day! Tonight's show emanates live from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
3. The New Day is just too good. Buy your Booty-Os!
4. I wonder if wweshop.com actually sells those. Not gonna lie, I might actually be tempted to buy some, if I had any money.
5. Ooh, title match! And Xavier's in it, that's refreshing. Although, he is excellent as the screaming guy on the outside.
6. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I hope the New Day breaks the record for longest tag team title reign. They deserve it, for turning about what could have been a career-ending gimmick into the most entertaining thing into the company.
7. Rusev is a talented, talented guy. I really hope he gets a main event run someday in the future, he would do well in that role.
8. With all the mentions of the Freebirds in this match so far, I have a question: why were they not inducted into the HOF sooner? I wasn't a fan in their heyday (or alive, for that matter), but it seems like they've had a huge impact on the business.
9. Xavier wins with a roll-up and a handful of tights, and the League of Nations instantly attacks him and Kofi after the match.
9. Could this possibly be WWE testing the waters with New Day as babyfaces? Frankly, as much as I love the guys, and as over as they are, I'm not sure that's the right move. Then again, considering how Kofi, Big E, and Xavier somehow made this gimmick relevant, who knows?
10. I gotta admit, I like this. Even though the League of Nations is still probably doomed, this attack looked legitimately vicious.
11. And Pittsburgh is about to become the Ambrose Asylum!!
12. I have to wonder where Dean Ambrose ends up going after Wrestlemania (as well as at Wrestlemania itself). He's obviously hot as anyone else on the roster right now, and considering recent reports that Lesnar may be heading for a post-'Mania program with Wyatt, I have to wonder what Ambrose's direction will be.
13. As much as everyone knew there was no chance of Ambrose winning, that false finish did an excellent job of getting everyone's hopes up, if even just for a second.
14. Brock's music hitting can up the excitement of any crowd almost instantly. It's amazing.
15. Also, speaking of amazing, Paul Heyman is just so dang good at talking. Good lord.
16. "Brock is doing his bouncy thing". Gold.
17. This dynamic where Paul has to hold Brock back is amazing. It just works so well, Heyman's facial expressions really sell it, and you truly believe that Brock is itching to fight.
18. Hahahaha Kalisto's belt fell off when he flipped into the ring.
19. Whoaaaa Sin Cara's new gear...that's certainly different.
20. I'm trying to think of a funny comparison for what Sin Cara's new gear looks like, but I'm blanking. Comment any suggestions you have below!
21. Poor Ryback. He was so over a couple of years ago...that postmatch challenge for a US Title match at Wrestlemania got no response at all.
22. Steph is such a good heel, she's so easy to hate.
23. Speaking of which, Triple H is also an excellent performer. It's easy to get caught up in the "he buries everyone, he's so egotistical making himself champion" talk, but at the end of the day, he's an incredible performer.
24. Speaking of bringing down the Authority, I really hope the Wyatts are the one who eventually do it. They're all so talented, particularly Bray and Harper, and they can be mainstays at the top of the card for years to come.
25. This is a very long hypothetical scenario.
26. Ooooh Ziggler interrupts (looking very fresh in his suit, by the way)...is this leading to a push for the Show Off? Probably not, to be frank. Oh well.
27. Any match you want? This is getting interesting...
28. See, I like this. This is unexpected, it builds excitement for tonight, and possibly even for Wrestlemania (provided Ziggler can win).
29. Ooooh Ziggler vs. Triple H? Now that's #BestForBusiness
30. Undertaker confronts Shane and Vince??? This is gonna be good! I'm legitimately excited for that.
32. It still feels so weird hearing Sami Zayn's music on Raw. I just identify him so heavily with NXT.
33. Miz! As I've said many times as of late, extremely underrated performer. He's great at his role, Hopefully he doesn't lose too quickly...
34. I love that flip back into the ring. Almost as much as I love KO's snarky commentary. (Not as much as his Tornado DDT through the ropes though, that always looks sick)
35. Just remembered, weren't there rumors of a Foley return tonight? This could be good...
36. Miz attacks KO after Owens stares down Zayn! Odds on Owens attacking him after the matchup?
37. Oh wow, he didn't! That's surprising. I wonder where that storyline will end up.
38. New Day vs League of Nations at Wrestlemania? Not sure how I feel about this...if New Day doesn't leave Dallas with the championships, I'm going to be bitterly disappointed.
39. Dang, seeing Bryan listed as "WWE Superstar"... :'(
40. And Lana comes out, because...well, we don't really know why.
41. Wow, she's literally sitting right in front of JBL. Not a bad view.
42. Does the crowd pop for the "Yes!" kicks because they actually like Brie? Or is it just because of Daniel?
43. This Ziggler vs Triple H match is actually very big, I'm excited.
44. That segment was all over the place. What just happened? (The Social Outcast one)
45. When's the last time Paige was part of something meaningful on TV? I have to admit, I haven't really missed her.
46. I am excited for the Divas Triple Threat match though! That's going to be amazing, all three of those ladies are so talented. Charlotte's done a lot to win me over recently.
47. Oh my, I'm loving Bo's new singlet.
48. These two guys are fantastic heels. Especially Bubba Ray.
50. Hahahaha there we go, the cheap pop.
51. Welp, remind me to never open any presents Mick Foley sends me.
52. And here we go! Ziggler vs Triple H is about to get underway!
53. Solid match so far, Trips doing a good job looking vicious and Dolph doing a good job selling it.
54. Dolph hits the Famouser for a 2 and 2/3 count! The crowd's really heating up now!
55. Dang. A well-hit Spinebuster, in my opinion, is one of the coolest-looking moves in all of wrestling.
56. Another nearfall! Ziggler's coming so close!
57. Dang. That's disappointing. Still, the fact that he was on TV in a match against the champion seems to point to Ziggler having some sort of 'Mania program, at least. Good match, too.
58. Roman Reigns returns!! The crowd roars with...apathy.
59. I'm liking this so far. This is the Reigns that got fans excited, the silent B.A.
60. Reigns shoves a referee! That could play into the storyline later.
61. Did he just smack HHH with a TV?? Talk about a brawl.
62. And we have our newest HOF member, Jacqueline!
63. Again, this storyline has gone on for way too long.
64. Y2J is here! Honestly, I have mixed feelings on him.
65. Yes, he's been great as of late as a heel, and he's an absolute legend, but still, he just feels stale to me. Kinda to the point of no return.
66. Still, solid promo from Y2J. This match should be good.
67. Is Neville legit injured? The finish of that match looked a little weird.
68. If that was on the fly, good save from Jericho. Now, I wonder: was Styles supposed to come out? Or was that improv too? If it was, that's even more impressive.
69. Anyways, on to Undertaker! I can't wait for this! I'm surprised WWE didn't promote it more heavily.
70. After looking on Twitter a bit, it looks like Neville may have gotten injured on the baseball slide. Hopefully he's alright, great young talent. It'd be a shame if a guy with his aerial ability had to tone down his offense.
71. It's interesting to think about, but these are arguably the two most immortal characters WWE has ever created, standing in the same ring right now.
72. Don't worry Vince. After what happened to Titus, I'm sure no superstars ever will put their hands on you again.
73. Here comes Shane O'Mac! This is gonna get good!
74. I have to admit though, I don't like how they're billing the match as if it's for control of WWE. All it's for is Monday Night Raw. Did they just forget about Smackdown?
75. I have to admit, Shane's a bit weak on the mic. He's still extremely over though, and he's got some good lines from time to time. It's also a major storyline, so it's not the biggest deal.
76. "Vince's b****". Yup, that'll do it. Here comes the brawl.
77. Ooooh good move to have Vince shove Shane into Taker. The metophor of tossing his son to the wolves is a powerful one.
78. I have to admit, for a final segment that involved the tar power that it did, that felt a little bit lame. Still, I'm looking forward to this match. I could see it going multiple ways.
79. Solid show overall. However, I'm still left wondering: what's happening with Bray Wyatt? Not having him on the card at 'Mania is a huge missed opportunity. Regardless, see you all next week!
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Monday, March 14, 2016
Monday, March 7, 2016
Monday Night Raw 3/7/16 Recap: Summing it Up in 94 Lines
0. Sorry, got here about 5 minutes late, in the middle of Shane's promo. Anyways, let's get started!
1. Aaaand here comes Vince!
2. I've said it before and I'll say it again, a solid crowd can turn a good show into a GREAT show.
3. Yup, there's our first CM Punk chant. That didn't take long.
4. That picture's getting broken sometime tonight.
5. Called it.
6. Dang, calling Wrestlemania his greatest success and Shane his greatest failure, that's harsh.
7. If those four well-trained security guys can't handle a 46 year-old non-wrestler, they may need to start searching for a new profession.
8. As much as I love Y2J and Styles, if they win tonight, I'm going to be severely disappointed. The New Day, as far as I'm concerned, is still just as entertaining as ever.
9. Kevin Owens' trash talk is syblime.
10. Only KO can make "Mate!" sound like an insult. He's just so freaking good.
11. Oh myyy Neville landed on his feet after a suicide dive over the top rope! That was impressive, that man can fly.
12. DANG that suplex looked painful! That was dangerously close to Neville straight-up landing on his neck.
13. Shooting Star Press from the top rope!!
14. I wonder what it feels like when guys like Neville hit their peak height during moves like that. He must've been at least 10 feet in the air.
15. Speaking of air, Kevin Owens almost hits the moonsault!
16. Good way to end the match with both guys looking good.
17. KO going for the apron powerbomb, I like it. Puts him over as a strong heel.
19. Does this mean Zayn vs Owens at Wrestlemania?? I'm 100% down for that.
20. Oh man, the Internet might explode if that match happens.
21. Free Wrestlemania, that's pretty freaking awesome. And bold.
22. Whoa, Lesnar vs Wyatt is happening?? Okay, that alone is worth the price of admission.
23. Also, see my recent article about Bray Wyatt and his family here.
24. Oooh, I'm liking Zack's beard.
25. It's too bad that that Survivor Series match is generally forgotten about, because it definitely could've been a coming-of-age moment for Dolph Ziggler. That was a heck of a match, and it featured the debut of one of the greatest superstars of all time, Sting.
26. I'm sorry, but the League of Nations is just boring now. Sheamus is starting to lose me as a fan, Del Rio is still boring, even if he's a good wrestler, Barrett is going nowhere (which is too bad, cuz his Bad News gimmick was really working), and Rusev is being utterly wasted.
27. Possibly unpopular opinion: Summer Rae is very underrated.
28. I'm sorry, but I don't need to see a clip about Brie and Daniel buying a scooter on Raw.
29. Okay, I don't understand the company's booking of Lana.
30. Dean Ambrose is beginning to get crazy over, this is impressive. I truly believe we're seeing the emergence of a star.
31. Imagine if Ambrose does actually win on Saturday, and then Rollins somehow returns. Triple Threat between the three former members of the Shield. Talk about money.
32. Oooh, breaking the fourth wall a little bit there with that "idiot in Marketing" comment.
33. Also, good promo so far from both guys! I got a bit distracted.
34. Hahahaha the Mr. Hammerstone comment was high quality.
35. Ambrose vs Wyatt tonight, I love it!! Hopefully both guys come out looking good tonight.
36. I'm actually intrigues to see where this Y2AJ storyline goes. I can't see them just being a tag team, that seems too simple.
37. Okay, what was the purpose of bringing back King of the Ring if they're just gonna continue to ignore the winner? Barrett's barely gotten any screen time as of late.
38. Also, I feel bad for Rusev. The guy is immensely talented.
39. A clean superkick is honestly one of my favorite things about wrestling. The crack when it's executed perfectly is just fantastic.
40. Of course Barrett's the only guy to get eliminated. Still, probably the right decision overall.
41. Excellent work as always by the WWE video team, that Shane video was great.
42. A Triple Threat match is definitely the right decision, I'm psyched for that.
43. Dangggg, that pop for Sasha! Talk about being over.
44. These three ladies have all really improved since their debuts, the Divas division has a bright future.
45. Speaking of which, I'm calling it now: Bayley will debut the night after Wrestlemania.
46. Hahahaha okay, Truth is pretty funny. Still, I feel like this angle has been given waaaaay too much screen time.
48. It hasn't happened yet^, but I'm anticipating it. Chicago better explode for these guys.
49. That's what I'm talkin about!! Chicago's going wild for these guys!
50. Hahahahahaha I love these guys.
51. I said it already, but as much as I love both Styles and Jericho, I really hope they don't win.
52. Well we know this is a special occasion, Jericho is wearing a shirt!
53. Honestly, I think the finish here that would lead to the most promising follow-up storyline is either A)Jericho turns on Styles or B)Someone interferes to set up a match with Jericho, Styles, or both of them.
54. Woods is brilliant on the sidelines, he's just always talking. He's definitely the type of guy I could see as a manager once he retires.
55. Unicorn Stampede!!
56. Ouch, did JBL just call him Mario? That's a rough one.
57. The trombone was honestly such a creative addition. These guys are so innovative and entertaining, I love it.
58. How widely observed is the rule that you have to be holding that little string in the corner to get tagged in?
59. WHAT A MOVE from Styles!! That looked awesome!
60. Interesting way to break up the pin, I like it! The little things like that can make a big difference.
61. Was that a 450 Splash off the top rope??
62. Oh yeah, this match is heating up, and the crowd knows it too.
63. Big E is honestly so strong.
64. That was a good match. As of right now, I don't really see the point of it, but that could change shortly.
65. Don't get me wrong, it was a good match, but not superb. Could've been better, especially considering the talent involved. A lot of that is probably due to a relatively short amount of time available, though.
66. CALLED IT! (See 64)
67. Yup, I think I'm excited about this. Although I have to admit, I'd still rather have seen Styles vs Owens (not that I'm complaining about Owens vs Zayn).
68. Dang, three Codebreakers. Y2J is serious.
69. Less than a month until Wrestlemania...god dang. I can't wait!
70. Here comes Kalisto!
71. HBK on SportsCenter tomorrow!!
72. Breeze is on TV! I repeat, Breeze is on TV!! Too bad he's definitely going to lose...
73. Kalisto's athleticism is just crazy.
74. Yup, that was pretty quick. I feel bad for Tyler, the guy is talented. In my opinion, the gimmick just happens to have a ceiling.
75. Speaking of jobbers, are we getting another Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal? Or was that just a two-time thing?
76. I have to admit, not seeing Roman Reigns the past few weeks has been...well, great. Haven't really missed him.
77. Kalisto's got a future in this business. Amazing in the ring, good on the mic, and WWE is always looking for the next Latino superstar to connect with that audience.
78. What...? Where is this promo going?
79. Remember when Ryback got a pop so big that the camera was literally shaking? That seems like an eternity ago.
80. For jobbers, these guys are entertaining. Especially Bo.
81. Random question: how much longer is Cody Rhodes going to have to perform under the Stardust gimmick? Considering that Rollins, Cena, and Cesaro are all currently out, Wrestlemania could be a decent time for the old Cody to come back. God knows his pop will be insane.
82. Or, probably even better, the night after Wrestlemania. It just feels like it's time.
83. I like both of these guys, but please, for the love of God, let Bray Wyatt look strong. He needs it.
84. Bray Wyatt is such a fantastic character. If WWE ruins him, that may be one of the few things could legitimately make me stop watching the product.
85. I'm actually really looking forward to that Lesnar vs Wyatt match. There are many ways WWE could get this right, here's hoping they do so. Honestly, I don't even think Wyatt has to win, he just needs to put on a strong showing without too much interference from his family (speaking of which, I'm glad they're not out tonight. As great as they are, having Bray come out without them occasionally helps his credibility.)
86. This is a match that, 10 years from now, if WWE plays their cards correctly, we could realistically be seeing for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
87. These two guys have some of the best clotheslines in the biz. God DANG!
88. Ambrose's head planted straight onto the barricade, that looked painful!
89. What happened to Bray's "whole world in his hands" chants? Those were pretty sick.
90. Aaaaand the Family shows up. I expected that, even though I was sort of hoping that they wouldn't show up. It does put him over as a heel, I suppose.
91. And HHH comes out...if we get some Wyatts vs Authority foreshadowing right now, I will mark the heck out.
92. YEEEEEESSSSS oh please let that mean something, oh please oh please oh please.
93. Ambrose hits Triple H with Dirty Deeds!
94. If Dean somehow does win the title on Saturday, the building is straight-up going to explode.
1. Aaaand here comes Vince!
2. I've said it before and I'll say it again, a solid crowd can turn a good show into a GREAT show.
3. Yup, there's our first CM Punk chant. That didn't take long.
4. That picture's getting broken sometime tonight.
5. Called it.
6. Dang, calling Wrestlemania his greatest success and Shane his greatest failure, that's harsh.
7. If those four well-trained security guys can't handle a 46 year-old non-wrestler, they may need to start searching for a new profession.
8. As much as I love Y2J and Styles, if they win tonight, I'm going to be severely disappointed. The New Day, as far as I'm concerned, is still just as entertaining as ever.
9. Kevin Owens' trash talk is syblime.
10. Only KO can make "Mate!" sound like an insult. He's just so freaking good.
11. Oh myyy Neville landed on his feet after a suicide dive over the top rope! That was impressive, that man can fly.
12. DANG that suplex looked painful! That was dangerously close to Neville straight-up landing on his neck.
13. Shooting Star Press from the top rope!!
14. I wonder what it feels like when guys like Neville hit their peak height during moves like that. He must've been at least 10 feet in the air.
15. Speaking of air, Kevin Owens almost hits the moonsault!
16. Good way to end the match with both guys looking good.
17. KO going for the apron powerbomb, I like it. Puts him over as a strong heel.
19. Does this mean Zayn vs Owens at Wrestlemania?? I'm 100% down for that.
20. Oh man, the Internet might explode if that match happens.
21. Free Wrestlemania, that's pretty freaking awesome. And bold.
22. Whoa, Lesnar vs Wyatt is happening?? Okay, that alone is worth the price of admission.
23. Also, see my recent article about Bray Wyatt and his family here.
24. Oooh, I'm liking Zack's beard.
25. It's too bad that that Survivor Series match is generally forgotten about, because it definitely could've been a coming-of-age moment for Dolph Ziggler. That was a heck of a match, and it featured the debut of one of the greatest superstars of all time, Sting.
26. I'm sorry, but the League of Nations is just boring now. Sheamus is starting to lose me as a fan, Del Rio is still boring, even if he's a good wrestler, Barrett is going nowhere (which is too bad, cuz his Bad News gimmick was really working), and Rusev is being utterly wasted.
27. Possibly unpopular opinion: Summer Rae is very underrated.
28. I'm sorry, but I don't need to see a clip about Brie and Daniel buying a scooter on Raw.
29. Okay, I don't understand the company's booking of Lana.
30. Dean Ambrose is beginning to get crazy over, this is impressive. I truly believe we're seeing the emergence of a star.
31. Imagine if Ambrose does actually win on Saturday, and then Rollins somehow returns. Triple Threat between the three former members of the Shield. Talk about money.
32. Oooh, breaking the fourth wall a little bit there with that "idiot in Marketing" comment.
33. Also, good promo so far from both guys! I got a bit distracted.
34. Hahahaha the Mr. Hammerstone comment was high quality.
35. Ambrose vs Wyatt tonight, I love it!! Hopefully both guys come out looking good tonight.
36. I'm actually intrigues to see where this Y2AJ storyline goes. I can't see them just being a tag team, that seems too simple.
37. Okay, what was the purpose of bringing back King of the Ring if they're just gonna continue to ignore the winner? Barrett's barely gotten any screen time as of late.
38. Also, I feel bad for Rusev. The guy is immensely talented.
39. A clean superkick is honestly one of my favorite things about wrestling. The crack when it's executed perfectly is just fantastic.
40. Of course Barrett's the only guy to get eliminated. Still, probably the right decision overall.
41. Excellent work as always by the WWE video team, that Shane video was great.
42. A Triple Threat match is definitely the right decision, I'm psyched for that.
43. Dangggg, that pop for Sasha! Talk about being over.
44. These three ladies have all really improved since their debuts, the Divas division has a bright future.
45. Speaking of which, I'm calling it now: Bayley will debut the night after Wrestlemania.
46. Hahahaha okay, Truth is pretty funny. Still, I feel like this angle has been given waaaaay too much screen time.
48. It hasn't happened yet^, but I'm anticipating it. Chicago better explode for these guys.
49. That's what I'm talkin about!! Chicago's going wild for these guys!
50. Hahahahahaha I love these guys.
51. I said it already, but as much as I love both Styles and Jericho, I really hope they don't win.
52. Well we know this is a special occasion, Jericho is wearing a shirt!
53. Honestly, I think the finish here that would lead to the most promising follow-up storyline is either A)Jericho turns on Styles or B)Someone interferes to set up a match with Jericho, Styles, or both of them.
54. Woods is brilliant on the sidelines, he's just always talking. He's definitely the type of guy I could see as a manager once he retires.
55. Unicorn Stampede!!
56. Ouch, did JBL just call him Mario? That's a rough one.
57. The trombone was honestly such a creative addition. These guys are so innovative and entertaining, I love it.
58. How widely observed is the rule that you have to be holding that little string in the corner to get tagged in?
59. WHAT A MOVE from Styles!! That looked awesome!
60. Interesting way to break up the pin, I like it! The little things like that can make a big difference.
61. Was that a 450 Splash off the top rope??
62. Oh yeah, this match is heating up, and the crowd knows it too.
63. Big E is honestly so strong.
64. That was a good match. As of right now, I don't really see the point of it, but that could change shortly.
65. Don't get me wrong, it was a good match, but not superb. Could've been better, especially considering the talent involved. A lot of that is probably due to a relatively short amount of time available, though.
66. CALLED IT! (See 64)
67. Yup, I think I'm excited about this. Although I have to admit, I'd still rather have seen Styles vs Owens (not that I'm complaining about Owens vs Zayn).
68. Dang, three Codebreakers. Y2J is serious.
69. Less than a month until Wrestlemania...god dang. I can't wait!
70. Here comes Kalisto!
71. HBK on SportsCenter tomorrow!!
72. Breeze is on TV! I repeat, Breeze is on TV!! Too bad he's definitely going to lose...
73. Kalisto's athleticism is just crazy.
74. Yup, that was pretty quick. I feel bad for Tyler, the guy is talented. In my opinion, the gimmick just happens to have a ceiling.
75. Speaking of jobbers, are we getting another Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal? Or was that just a two-time thing?
76. I have to admit, not seeing Roman Reigns the past few weeks has been...well, great. Haven't really missed him.
77. Kalisto's got a future in this business. Amazing in the ring, good on the mic, and WWE is always looking for the next Latino superstar to connect with that audience.
78. What...? Where is this promo going?
79. Remember when Ryback got a pop so big that the camera was literally shaking? That seems like an eternity ago.
80. For jobbers, these guys are entertaining. Especially Bo.
81. Random question: how much longer is Cody Rhodes going to have to perform under the Stardust gimmick? Considering that Rollins, Cena, and Cesaro are all currently out, Wrestlemania could be a decent time for the old Cody to come back. God knows his pop will be insane.
82. Or, probably even better, the night after Wrestlemania. It just feels like it's time.
83. I like both of these guys, but please, for the love of God, let Bray Wyatt look strong. He needs it.
84. Bray Wyatt is such a fantastic character. If WWE ruins him, that may be one of the few things could legitimately make me stop watching the product.
85. I'm actually really looking forward to that Lesnar vs Wyatt match. There are many ways WWE could get this right, here's hoping they do so. Honestly, I don't even think Wyatt has to win, he just needs to put on a strong showing without too much interference from his family (speaking of which, I'm glad they're not out tonight. As great as they are, having Bray come out without them occasionally helps his credibility.)
86. This is a match that, 10 years from now, if WWE plays their cards correctly, we could realistically be seeing for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
87. These two guys have some of the best clotheslines in the biz. God DANG!
88. Ambrose's head planted straight onto the barricade, that looked painful!
89. What happened to Bray's "whole world in his hands" chants? Those were pretty sick.
90. Aaaaand the Family shows up. I expected that, even though I was sort of hoping that they wouldn't show up. It does put him over as a heel, I suppose.
91. And HHH comes out...if we get some Wyatts vs Authority foreshadowing right now, I will mark the heck out.
92. YEEEEEESSSSS oh please let that mean something, oh please oh please oh please.
93. Ambrose hits Triple H with Dirty Deeds!
94. If Dean somehow does win the title on Saturday, the building is straight-up going to explode.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Wyatt's Time Running Out?
Simply put, Bray Wyatt is one of the most intriguing characters WWE has seen in years. He's got a unique gimmick (which he plays to absolute perfection), a unique look, a solid stable behind him, and he can go in the ring (Royal Rumble 2014 vs Daniel Bryan, anyone?). When he first debuted, people were saying that he could be the next Undertaker, the next supernatural, larger-than-life character who astounds fans for years to come. However, almost three years after they officially debuted on the main roster, the Wyatts are less relevant than they've ever been before, and are in serious danger of becoming just another example of wasted talent in the WWE.
A common recurring theme over the past few years with regards to Wyatt is that, while he's had numerous high-profile feuds, he rarely ever wins these feuds. Sometimes, it's understandable. In his aforementioned feud with Daniel Bryan, for example, putting Bryan over was the clear choice. However, that didn't stop Wyatt from putting on a fantastic showing, including this moment on Raw, one of the loudest pops I've ever heard in my entire life. The fans may have been cheering for Daniel Bryan, but without Wyatt as a foil for the lovable underdog, this moment never could have happened.
However, more often than not, WWE has decided to stick Wyatt with losses for seemingly no reason at all, leaving fans scratching their heads. For example, his feud with John Cena around Wrestlemania 30 time. Instead of using the 15-time world champ to help put Wyatt, one of the company's hottest young up-and-coming stars, over, WWE decided to give Cena not only the win at Wrestlemania, but a victory in the rubber match as well. Simply put, there was no need for Cena to go over Wyatt here. He wouldn't have lost any credibility for taking the pin, and Wyatt would've gained so much. Instead, Wyatt was forced to swallow yet another bitter loss, leaving fans wondering when his time would truly come.
It's about time that Bray Wyatt challenges for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Hear me out.
Since the faction's debut, many people have said that its members simply don't need titles to be relevant. Frankly, this would normally be pretty true. Their characters are not the sorts that require titles, they do just fine as dominant, terrifying monsters. The only problem with that, however, is that monsters aren't constantly losing. They aren't always getting beaten down bu babyfaces, being constantly made to look weak for simply no reason. Monsters destroy whoever they want, whenever they want. Monsters are intimidating, monsters command respect, and most importantly, monsters dominate. However, what the Wyatts have been doing as of late is far from dominating. Therefore, while it certainly isn't a necessity, a title run for Wyatt could do absolute wonders to help restore his legitimacy among fans, as well as to help pave the way for the future, which he will most certainly be an important part of.
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