In the vein of one of my favorite writers, "The Doctor" Chris Mueller, I'll be starting a weekly recap of Raw in the form of a list of play-by-play, observations, interjections, and whatever just feels right about the show. Hopefully you'll all enjoy it, and as always, feel free to share this with your friends if you do! Without any further ado, here we go:
1. Talk about a high-energy way to start off the night...Brock's music hitting always gets the crowd pumped up.
2. Ooh, Brock's sporting a newly-colored Suplex City t-shirt. Bold move.
3. Very rarely can one find something to criticize in a Paul Heyman promo, but here's one: Why is it, "Thou shall not intentionally provoke the Beast?" Why not just, "Thou shall not anger the beast?" Rolls off the tongue much more easily.
4. Ambrose interrupting
Heyman while Lesnar’s in the ring…I love it. Really sells his insane side.
5. I gotta admit, the
WWE’s done really well with all three former Shield members. Rollins was
already an excellent champion and has shown he can be majorly over as a heel,
Reigns has made some great strides to become champ as well, and Ambrose remains
one of the most over acts in the company.
6. Oh my…he walks
straight up to Lesnar, face-to-face. Scripted or not, that takes guts. Lesnar
is freaking scary.
7. Dang. That was a
stellar performance from Ambrose.
8. I gotta say,
sometimes I wonder if Ziggler’s ever going to truly escape the midcard. The
guy’s obviously an excellent performer, but there are also just so many other
extremely talented superstars in the biz. That being said, I’d love to see him
finally get a well-deserved legitimate reign at some point.
9. It’s crazy how far
Rusev has fallen. One year ago, the guy was being booked excellently, as an
unstoppable monster with a hugely over valet. Now, however, as far as I’m
concerned, he’s basically a glorified jobber.
10. Gotta say, that was
a pretty solid match. The hurricanrana at the end may not have been pretty, but
the rest was pretty good.
12. I’m sorry, but
sometimes, listening to Brie talk into a mic just hurts.
13. I used to feel that
way about Charlotte too, but it seems like her recent heel turn has definitely
helped in that department.
14. Did Lilian say
“Grammy award-winning”? Whoops.
15. Oh yup, she did.
Thanks for the replay, monkeys.
16. #WheresBo?
17. Even if the crowd
didn’t seem to pop too hard for them, I’m liking the Social Outcasts. Four very
talented and very entertaining superstars.
18. I’ve said this
before, but Miz is undoubtedly one of the most underrated superstars in the
WWE. He plays his role to perfection, and he’s one of the best ambassadors the
company has.
19. Not sure I’m a fan
of AJ’s entrance music. Seems a bit too low-energy at the beginning. Could see
it growing on me, though.
20. That was a heck of a
promo, even if the crowd didn’t seem to be getting into it. Regardless, AJ’s
still crazy over, which is fantastic.
21. Liking the soccer
references from JBL! Keep ‘em coming.
22. A lot of people have
been complaining about Ric Flair’s involvement with Charlotte recently, but
frankly, I don’t see a problem with it.
23. A Brie win? Dang,
certainly wasn’t expecting that. I don’t mind, though, that was a decent match.
24. The Wyatt Family has
a very interesting role in the WWE. They’re consistently being called upon to
deliver fantastic matches and feuds, and they certainly do so, but at some
point, they’re gonna have to get that big, defining win. As cool as it would be
to see Bray go up against Brock, I don’t know how he could get that kind of win
against the Beast.
25. Well, I would’ve
preferred that not be a squash match, but whatever. At least they got the upper
hand after the match.
26. Titus definitely is
a class act. Like Miz, he’s a great asset for the company.
27. Tyler Breeze
sighting! Too bad he’s going to lose.
28. Definitely wasn’t as
one-sided as I thought, but still come on WWE. Breeze is a talented guy, he
deserves better than jobber status.
29. It makes me sad to
think back to how much of a star Breeze was treated like in NXT. Now, he’s just
a joke.
29. I do like how Titus
is selling the injury after the match though. It’s the little things like that
that can make a big difference.
30. Oh my, Kevin Owens
is just too good. Ripping the sign down was amazing.
31. As we all know pretty
well by now, Ziggler’s selling is amazing. Watching him bounce off that
32. And that superkick^!
Oh my…
33. These guys are both
so talented, this is a great match.
34. Ziggler won?? Wow,
was not expecting that.
35. Still an excellent
performance from both competitors, so I’m happy with that.
36. Once again,
excellent work from the WWE video team with the Mark Henry video. He’s an
excellent performer, legitimately one of the strongest men in the world, and
clearly a great human being as well.
37. Side note: that
suplex with Big Show where they broke the ring is still one of my all-time
favorite moments. So sick.
38. Ooh, this is getting
interesting. Is Sasha about to split from Naomi and Tamina?
39. PS: Naomi’s boots
are awesome, I like the changing colors.
40. Well, that was
interesting. We’ll have to wait and see if this goes anywhere. If not, that was
kinda a waste of time.
41. Becky’s definitely
come into her own since her debut last summer, and I’m loving it.
42. These ladies are
putting on a clinic, and I’m loving it.
43. Well, I guess
there’s our answer to number 40.
44. This is definitely
an interesting turn of events. Foreshadowing Sasha and Becky working together
is a smart move.
45. Also, I always love
a good NXT chant. Very cool moment.
46. Legends with JBL is
definitely an awesome show, 10/10 would recommend.
47. Not quite sure how I feel about
Y2J anymore. Some of his promos felt a little forced and awkward at first, and
I still think he lasted a little too long in the Rumble, but he has done a good
job since then of putting Styles over. I’m interested to see what happens here.
48. Oh my…poor Goldust and Truth.
49. They’re both extremely talented, as they’ve shown in the past, and they can be involved in high-level matches and feuds without feeling out of place. This just feels demeaning. 50. However, who knows? Maybe this will turn out to be the next Daniel Bryan and Kane.
51. Also, it was kinda gross when Goldust’s foot slipped into the toilet bowl. Just wanted to point that out.
52. “Booty-ham”. These guys are too amazing.
53. For real, the way they’re going, I can’t see any reason to take the titles off the New Day for a long time. Frankly, I’d be fine with them breaking the record for longest Tag Title reign.
54. Which, by the way, is 331 days, set by Brian Kendrick and Paul London.
55. The New Day is already at 160+ days, so that’s certainly very attainable.
56. Paul Heyman on commentary? Awwww yeah.
57. These guys are just on fire right now.
58. Hahahaha, love how they picked a kid wearing a Bullet Club t-shirt. I feel like that must’ve been planned, otherwise Vince is probably going nuts backstage right now.
59. The kid’s reaction once Kofi said, “We’ll still fight you,” was pure gold.
60. Prediction: Lesnar’s coming out at some point during this match.
61. I love this Kofi. He’s always been good in the ring, but now, he’s more entertaining than I can ever remember before.
62. It’s worth mentioning that Big E is a freaking beast. His pectorals might be larger than a normal man’s fists.
63. Whether it’s his opponent who’s being squashed or Big E himself if he misses, that splash on the apron always looks painful.
64. I love the Unicorn Stampede. It’s little things like that that can set you apart from the rest of the pack.
65. Yup, Lesnar’s out. Called it.
66. Good move to have the New Day attack first, gives them even more heat and credibility as heels.
67. And of course, the expected F5 to Ambrose. Interesting that he doesn’t go after Reigns, but it does make sense.
68. Overall, solid show. At some points, the crowd seemed into it, but at others, it was a little dead. Still, most of the action was good, and we had some quality storyline development as well.
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