First and foremost, let's get something straight.
Charlotte and Sasha Banks are two of the most talented superstars (male or female) in WWE today. However, the fact of the matter is that their current feud, no matter how "groundbreaking" it may be, does not deserve the honor of being not only the first ever women's match to take place inside Hell in a Cell, but also the first to main event a pay-per-view.
Now, in all likelihood, the match probably will go down as one of the better women's matches in history, if not the best. In fact, I hav
e full confidence that WWE and these two talented wrestlers will be able to pull something spectacular out of their collective derrières and make the night as incredibly memorable as it should be. However, one of the most important elements of any WWE feud is properly setting the stage. In this aspect, WWE has failed miserably with regards to this feud. Let's explore the reasons why:
In the olden days, back before the product was as overexposed as it is today, Hell in a Cell matches were used to provide a truly definitive end to a feud that had been going on for an extended period of time. They were used for feuds where it truly felt like a normal 20' by 20' wrestling ring couldn't contain the emotions and brawling of two superstars who legitimately hated one another. When you look back at all the great HIAC matches in history—Shawn Michaels vs the Undertaker, Triple H vs the Undertaker, even the infamous Mankind vs Undertaker—that's what they all had in common. In each of these cases, the build before the match was extensive, containing lots of dramatic, effective storytelling coupled with some high-intensity brawling. As of the writing of this article, the Sasha vs Charlotte feud has had...none of that. Other than the admittedly excellent title match that main evented Raw when Sasha won the championship back, this feud lacks any moments that truly got fans buzzing about the dynamic between the two stars. Simply put, with a buildup like this, no matter the star power involved, putting the two inside a cell just feels wrong. In fact, much like the other two cell matches on the card right now, it feels like WWE is madly scrambling to make HIAC in order to justify having an entire PPV themed around that type of match (a mistake in itself).
To reiterate, the issue here is not the superstars or the match itself, just the fact that it feels like it's been extremely rushed and forced. While WWE has done well in legitimately trying to implement a real women's revolution within the industry, true revolutions don't come about when they're this forced. Like so many other storylines in the company's history, the timing of the payoff here just isn't right. Rather than rushing the match—which is going to be looked back at 20 years from now as one of the most significant matches in history, mind you—the much better option would've been to go for the slow build.
If WWE is intent on having these two main event, why not go for gusto and have them main event Survivor Series? The less-appreciated runt of the Big Four PPVs, Survivor Series has long been in need of a kick in the butt to get it going again, so why not knock out two birds with one stone and have the women main event there? This would give Creative time to build a storyline that actually deserves a match designed to be the most brutal the company has to offer, as well as to allow fan hype to slowly rise until it's reached an absolute fever pitch. That sort of excitement from the crowd, coupled with the palpable tension one will be able to feel between the two performers, would make an absolutely unforgettable match.
Even if you're not willing to jump on the bandwagon of these two main eventing Survivor Series (understandable, given the huge matches already announced and seemingly in the works), what's preventing these two from main eventing Roadblock in mid-December? The PPV is minor enough so that this feud will certainly be deserving of the main event, and that gives Creative another solid two months to provide legitimate background (how about some video packages, or even a reference or two, to their NXT days? Little stuff like that can make a huge difference in helping a feud to truly feel personal), as well as a moderate amount of physical contact to build intensity. Heck, why not wait until Wrestlemania, and even get Bayley involved? Or, by some crazy convoluted logic (hey, they've done dumber things before), why not get Becky in there too? At that point, if the story is effectively told, the poetic justice of all Four Horsewomen getting to wrestle a high-profile match at Wrestlemania would be absolutely incredible, and more than deserving of a cell match (to be fair, a main event slot would still be hard. It's Wrestlemania, after all).
Overall, though, as much as the match would be better-served had it been delayed even a month or so, we are still just a couple of weeks away from one of the most significant matches this industry has ever seen. For all its failures and nonsensical elements, this match is very likely going to be incredible, and here's hoping these two women go down in history for the right reasons, and, as forced as it is, truly further the women's revolution in wrestling!
Note: the point of this article isn't to complain and act like I 100% percent know what WWE should and shouldn't do. It's simply to produce content containing my opinions on matter within WWE.
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